
What is the Agave ticker and contract address?

The ticker is $AGVE and the contract address is 0x3a97704a1b25F08aa230ae53B352e2e72ef52843.

What is Agave?

Agave, in a few words, is Aave on xDai. For more information, please refer to these articles:

A detailed introduction to Agave is also available on our Medium Channel.

What is the total supply of $AGVE?

Total Supply: 100k Circulating Supply: 27,799k

Is there a website for Agave? - .

Is $AGVE on Coingecko?

Yes! Here’s the link: $AGVE - Coingecko.

Did Agave’s Contract get Audited?

Prior to launch, the audit of Agave's contracts has been completed by Chainsulting on May 1st.

Can I contribute in some way?

Your participation is always welcome. We've recently published a first list of open bounties, and more will come in the future.

Where can I see a chart of $AGVE?