DAO Treasury: 0xb4c575308221CAA398e0DD2cDEB6B2f10d7b000A

Staking Rewards Vault: https://xdai.gnosis-safe.io/app/#/safes/0x70225281599Ba586039E7BD52736681DFf6c2Fc4/balances

Staking deployer: https://xdai.gnosis-safe.io/app/#/safes/0x408258EBa3685D9a52b111e082c9f057e18a7050/balances

Mainnet Agave "Owner" :https://gnosis-safe.io/app/#/safes/0xEb780Bd10247D93180a9292fbfCdC2aA806306b3/settings/owners

Dao Governance

Agave is a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) based on shared values and the main goal of democratizing access to yield and credit for all users. Its main value is expressed in the community covenant.

Zodiac Module

Agave DAO Treasury is using the Gnosis Zodiac Reality Module - deployed at https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/address/0xe1B7a850Fc987A5cA6065c1f1272D2a4EDbb96Fc

key settings:

minimum bond: 25 stkAGVE

vote period: 3 days

voting app: snapshot

minimum resolution period: 1 day

resolution app: reality.eth (template 5)

arbitrator: Kleros Court

Snapshot Voting

Every major decision that affects the Agave DAO is voted by the community using Snapshot.