Smart contract bug bounty program

This program covers all currently deployed smart contracts on the Gnosis Chain that are actively being used on the Agave dApp.

Contracts that Agave Dao uses that are not built by Agave Dao’s members may also be considered depending on the extent to which they have been used within the Agave ecosystem and the consequences they could produce. This evaluation will be done using the CVSS Risk Rating scale.



The severity of an issue will be determined by a score created using the CVSS Risk Rating scale It will likely also involve some subjective understanding of the potential impact it could make on the 1hive ecosystem.

Risk Rating Payment
Critical (9.0-10.0): Up to $20,000 in $xDai
High (7.0-8.9): Up to $5,000 in $xDai
Medium (4.0-6.9): Up to $1,000 in $xDai
Low (0.1-3.9): Up to $500 in $xDai

It should be known that Agave DAO is interested in maintaining secure infrastructure and is willing to make fair payouts for finding bugs that could affect funds and users, so as a bug hunter you can be assured when it comes to claiming a reward you will receive it, provided you act as outlined above.